Sunday, October 18, 2009

MS State Fair '09

It's that time of year again. The MS State fair comes to Jackson and the crowds gather to enjoy fatty fried fair food, rides, people watching and carnies. Okay, maybe not the carnies. We had actually been once this year but our camera didn't work and in the effort of taking it out of its secure location in our stroller to try to get batteries to work and putting it back in, it was lost so we had to replace it and go to the fair again. Although, the second time around was a lot less rushed and a lot more fun for everyone.

We started by riding a few rides that Owen wanted to go on. He loved every ride there and showed no fear. He started with the Dragon roller coaster.

Elizabeth was taken on a few rides like the Carousel, which she enjoyed.

Plus, she and Owen played carnival games. Here's Owen showing off their winnings.

Although, Owen's favorite toy was a $5.00 toy trumpet that was the loudest thing ever. Owen played that trumpet non stop throughout the rest of our fair visit. He gladly would show it off in pictures too!

Finally, it was late and time to start heading home. But, not until Owen rode one last ride, the giant slide.

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