Saturday, October 16, 2010

Pumpkin Patch Party Crashers

This morning Amy and I woke up and thought that we should take the kids to the pumpkin patch to let them pick out a pumpkin for Halloween.  We later learned that we have spectacular timing!

We show up to the pumpkin patch and walk inside to pay and collect our pumpkin carrying bags.  Then, we head outside to wait for the hayride to come by and pick us up.  The odd thing was, the hayrides normally run one at a time.  This alternating of rides keeps everything from getting backed up.  Today, however, they both began loading at the same time.  No problem, let's go with it.
We began the hayride with a very large group of people but we didn't think anything of it.  We made our rounds around the MS Ag Museum and it wasn't until we finally stopped that we realized that, oops...we were crashing some child's birthday party!  We were among two dozen other people in the old towne section of the Ag Museum talking with a character from the 1860's and not at all knowing how to get out of this situation.
Yeah, we know none of these people.

Owen loved talking with the character though.  He would wander off to find her and ask her question after question.
When our kids were done with the questions and everyone had eaten cookies handed out by the birthday party planners, we made a hasty retreat!  We stopped to pick up our pumpkins and got out of there.  
I have to admit, that was one of the most memorable trips to the pumpkin patch we've ever had.

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