Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Trip: The Beach

Our family finally made it back to the beach. It was the four of us along with Papa and MawMaw. We spent plenty of time at the beach reading, relaxing, and eating good food. The kids definitely had a good time. Owen was a huge fan of the ocean, spending most of his time there.

Elizabeth didn't spend quite as much time in the water. She was happy playing in the sand.

Plus, anytime we weren't on the beach we were in the pool.

At night, we would go sample the food around town. One restaurant was located on the waterfront so people could see the fishermen cleaning the fish as they took them off of the boat. Owen had Papa watching the fish in the water for awhile.
Here are two cuties smiling as we wait for our food.

Finally, our last meal on the beach.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Backyard Summer Fun

Who knew our tiny backyard could offer this much entertainment?!?!  Back before it started to rain on us like it does in Seattle, the kids were enjoying our backyard.  They had their own water park.

They had their own race car track.

Plus, no backyard would be complete without a slide and a swing.

I almost forgot their sidewalk art gallery.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Elizabeth's Big Day

It's finally happened, my little girl's all grown up.  Her first birthday was fun and everyone had a good time.  We started with a birthday celebration at Chili's where, apparently, birthday's aren't complimentary as we had to pay for our cake and didn't even get to choose which one to have.  It was still pretty tasty though.

Then, Elizabeth had a party with her classmates at school where everyone was obviously enthused about the big event.  

Finally, her big moment with all of the family.

Her cake looked and tasted great!

Elizabeth especially enjoyed her own personal cake.  Of course, so did Owen whose fingers can be seen sneaking in for another quick taste.