Sunday, February 21, 2010

Playing at the park

This weekend, it was finally warm enough to go outside and enjoy some sunshine so we took the kids to the park for an afternoon.  Elizabeth spent most of her time on the swing.
Owen played on just about everything but he had to make sure his new dragon (that he bought with Valentine's day money) came along.
It was a fun packed afternoon. 
However, the most entertaining picture of the day came later that evening while Elizabeth was playing with her dolls and her shopping cart.  
I would love to know what she was thinking when we took this picture.  

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Touch n' Brush

The Touch n' Brush had been on Owen's wish list for a while but has recently fallen off the list. I actually meant to put this info out there before but I had pretty much forgotten about it.  That is until the commercials started coming back on.  
He used to be so excited.  Luckily now, I think he's forgotten about it.  
Oh, and for the people thinking that it would be a funny gift to get for him; please think twice.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Snow Day, Again!

This past Friday we had snow; a lot of snow.  I can't remember the last time Jackson had this much snow on the ground.  It wasn't just a light covering of the ground, there was a substantial amount of snow.  Definitely enough to get out in it and have a lot of fun!  
Halle enjoyed it.
Here's a shot of the front of our house covered.
Owen took full advantage of it.

Elizabeth just liked eating the snow.
Finally, two snow angels.