Saturday, November 28, 2009

Thanksgiving Day

We had our Thanksgiving in Tunica at Papa and MawMaw's house.  The whole family was there and Owen and Elizabeth had fun playing with everyone.  Elizabeth got some time on the swing with Papa and Uncle Burt.

Then, it was time for Owen and Uncle Burt to take a trip on the mighty Mississip'.

We also all posed for the obligatory family Thanksgiving picture.

Happy Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 20, 2009

Owen's Thanksgiving Program

Owen's school had a Thanksgiving program which the three and four year old classes participated in.  Each class wore different costumes and sang for the eager camera toting parents.  
Owen was a turkey.

His class of turkeys sang three songs and recited two poems.

The big finale featured pilgrims, pumpkins, Indians and turkeys.

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Owen's 4th Birthday

Today is Owen's actual birthday.  He is now really 4 years old.  Time really does fly!
Since we already had his party, we had a small celebration for him at home.  Owen took cupcakes to school to share with his friends and we had some at home.

Elizabeth was also a huge fan of the cupcakes!

He also had a couple more presents to open.  Owen was very excited to see a sleeping bag for his stuffed turtle, "Juice", as well as one of his very own.  He loved them and wanted to test them out right away.

Plus, he just had to sleep in it that night.  Good night my big man!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Owen's 4th Birthday party

Owen had his 4th birthday party this weekend. It was held at the MS Natural Science Museum and it was a lot of fun with a big turn out. The party started with everyone getting tattoos and playing outside of the museum at the pavilion while all of the guests arrived.

Then, once everyone was present and accounted for, it was time to go into the museum. The museum was having a special exhibit for a few months called "Monsters of the Deep" which showed many prehistoric sea animals as well as modern large "monsterous" animals like whales, sharks, etc and the kids were excited to see it as well as the normal exhibits and the museum's aquarium area.

Here's a picture of Owen and a bunch of his friends enjoying the aquarium portion.

After everyone toured the museum, it was time to take the kids back outside to play, open presents, dose them with lots of sugar and send them home to the parents.
Owen's aligator cake turned out great, and yes, that's Owen's hand sneaking a usual.

Everyone enjoyed the food.

Then, it was time to open presents. The kids all dove in to help Owen. It was a very efficient process. Plus, Owen was given some really fun toys.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Halloween '09

It finally arrived.  Halloween was here and the kids couldn't be more excited.  They were ready to get costumes on and to start getting some candy.  But first, we had some things to do.  We had to carve a pumpkin.  

The kids were very good helpers.  Even Elizabeth was really getting into it.  

Finally, it was time to get costumes on and get Mommy and Daddy some candy.  That is, get themselves some candy.  Owen's cousin Dylan came over to trick or treat with us.  They made a great team.  Batman was helping his local police force.

Finally, with costumes on and bags in hand, it was time to head out.
The kids were naturals.

Elizabeth knew right what to do as well.  Plus, the nice people thought she was so cute in her peacock costume, she was left to gather as much candy as she wanted.

After a very successful night, the kids crashed and we'll all have Halloween candy for days.