We began with a stop at Keifers which, for those who don't know, is the best Greek food in town. With a great menu and outside seating it's a great place to eat great food and relax! Plus, they have this feta dressing that goes great with just about anything on their menu. Owen is a huge fan of the feta dressing.
Afterwards, we met up with my family who are pro's on the parade scene. They know where to go and where to sit for good views. They were all dressed up in green, had green hair, and were all in all very festive.
Soon enough, the parade began and the beads started flowing. It didn't take Owen long to get the hang of grabbing for beads.
(Yes, I think that is a hobo in the background.) Anyway, Owen did okay for himself even though older kids and adults around him were falling over everyone to catch the beads. A few people even gave some of their hard won beads to Owen. Before too long, Owen began to look like Mr. T.
The most prized um...prize...he got was a stuffed whale. He loves that whale and still carries it everywhere.
It was a fun day! The kids had no trouble going to sleep that night and neither did either of us.
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